
Celebration of Vicki
Sunday, October 27 
1pm – 2pm: Arrival & Music
2:00 – 2:45 – Presentations
2:45 – 4:45 ish – Music, Beverages, Snacks
Music: hosted by The Paul Grimshaw band accompanied by several of the music artists that have performed at La Belle Amie Vineyard over the years.
Dress: is very casual and comfortable.  Remember, this is an outside event and the weather forecast is sunny with temps around 70 degrees. So leave your dress and church attire at home.


(Note:  Rescheduled to Sunday, Oct. 27 from 1-5pm)

Celebration of Vicki

July 1, 1945 – September 11, 2024

     After a brief battle with a deadly cancer, Vicki passed away on a day the entire nation was in mourning.  She is memorable for her genuineness, fairness, fortitude, grace and humor.  She touched many lives during her life’s journey, and if you had her friendship you were blessed.  La Belle Amie Vineyard,  her mother’s birthplace, was her passion and the latter part of her life’s purpose.  It was always her goal to keep the vineyard property from being developed and natural for others to enjoy.  Nothing pleased her more than a gathering of like-spirited souls who shared a love of nature, wine, music and friendly social repartee.   For Vicki, owning and operating La Belle Amie Vineyard was never a job;  it was a lifestyle she treasured.

A Celebration of Vicki, this remarkable woman, will be held at La Belle Amie Vineyard on Sunday, October 27, 2024 from 1pm – 5pm.   All who knew Vicki are welcomed.  If you have a memory of Vicki you would like to share in writing, please post it at:   Memory of Vicki  or email it to
 We would also love to have any images you have of Vicki.   Please forward those to

Additional details of our Celebration of Vicki will be posted on as they become finalized.  A sincere thanks to all who helped make Vicki’s dream of La Belle Amie Vineyard possible through your patronage and support.

Her Husband,  Chuck

La Belle Amie Vineyard:  1120 Saint Joseph Road  Little River, SC  29566

Email:        Tel: 843-399-9463





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